Title (Date) | Название (переводчик) |
Published verse:
Football (Christmas 1911) | |
May Small Talk (1915) | |
A Cheer for Princeton (1915) | |
Yais (1916) | |
To My Unused Greek Book (Acknowledgments to Keats) (1916) | Ода неразрезанной греческой книге (Е. Калявина) |
One from Penn’s Neck (1916) | |
Oui, Le Backfield Est From Paris… (1916) | |
Rain Before Dawn (February 1917) | Предрассветный дождь (Е. Дембицкая); Предрассветный дождь (Е. Калявина) |
Popular Parodies - No. 1 (1917) | |
Undulations of an Undergraduate (1917) | |
Ethel Had Her Shot of Brandy… (1917) | |
Princeton - The Last Day (May 1917); also incuded in This Side of Paradise | Принстон (А. Б. Руднев); Принстон – последний день (Е. Логинов и Г. Логинова) |
The Staying Up All Night (November 1917) | Ночные бдения (А. Б. Руднев) |
On A Play Twice Seen (June 1917) | На пьесу, виденную дважды (Е. Калявина) |
The Cameo Frame (1917) | |
Our American Poets (1917) | |
City Dusk (Apr. 1918) | Городские сумерки (Е. Калявина) |
First Love (Feb. 1919); revised in Notebooks, 858 | Первая любовь (И. Акулова); Моя первая любовь (Е. Калявина) |
Marching Streets (Feb. 1919); revised in Notebooks, 862 | Маршируя по улицам (А. Б. Руднев); Уличное шествие (Е. Калявина) |
The Pope at Confession (Feb. 1919); revised in Notebooks, 861 | Папа на исповеди (Е. Калявина) |
A Dirge (Apologies to Wordsworth) (1919) | Плач (Пушкин, простите!) (А.Б. Руднев) |
Sleep Of A University (Nov. 1920) | |
To Anne (Atlanta Journal, 30 September 1923) | |
[For the Lads of The Visage Triumph…] (Atlanta Journal, 30 September 1923) | |
Lamp in a Window (March 23, 1935) | Свет в окошке (А.Б. Руднев); Лампа в окне (Е. Сквайрс); Лампа в окне (Е. Калявина) |
We Keep You Clean in Muscatine (1919) | |
Obit on Parnassus (1937) | Парнасский поминальник (Антон Руднев) |
Lyrics to Princeton "Triangle" Shows:
On My Ragtime Family Tree (unused lyrics for Triangle's show "The Pursuit of Priscilla") (1913) | |
Fie! Fie! Fi-Fi! [17 song lyrics] (1914) | |
The Evil Eye [17 song lyrics] (1915) | |
Safety first [21 song lyrics] (1916) | |
Oh Sister, can you spare your heart (June 12, 1933) - See Notebooks, 896 | |
Verse from the Letters:
[My mind is all a-tumble…] (from a letter to Elizabeth Clarkson, September 15, 1913) | |
Martin's Thoughts (1913) | |
[My very very dear Marie…] (from letter to Marie Hersey Jan 29, 1915) | |
A letter to Helen (May 18, 1915) | |
[Ruth…] (letter to Ruth Sturtevant, c. February 1916) | |
[There was a young lady named Ruth…] (letter to Ruth Sturtevant, c. Fall 1916) | |
When We Meet Again (Letter to Cecelia Delihant Taylor, 10 june 1917) | |
[Ah May, Shall I Splatter My Thoughts in the Air…] - letter July, 1918 | |
Dear Mid… (1918) | |
1st epistle of St Scott to the Smithsonian - letter Sep 22, 1919 | |
I remember years ago… (June 28, 1920, marriage of Eleanor and Tom Lineaweaver) | |
[Of Wonders is Silas m. Hanson the Champ…] | |
To the Ring Lardners (1927) | |
[There was a young man of Quebec…] | |
[Don't expect me…] (from Telegram to Mrs. Paul T. (Elizabeth Beckwith) Mackie) | |
Momishness - letter Xmas 1933 | |
[East of the sun, west of the moon…] (from January 16 1935 letter to Brooks Bowman) | |
to Z.S.F. by Ring Lardner (1924) | |
A Christmas Wish - And What Came of It by Ring Lardner (1925) | |
Verses from Memoirs, published post-humously:
[Dog! Dog! Dog!] | |
Oh, papa… - For Mary MacArthur (1931) | |
For 2nd stanza Baoth Poem (circa 1935) | Послушалось трепетанье крыльев Бога... (Е. Логинов и Г. Логинова) |
[Valentine was a saint…] (Happy Valentine) | |
Lines on reading through an autograph album | |
Oh Misseldine (circa 1937) | Мисселдайн (Е. Сквайрс) |
For Mary's eighth birthday (1938) | |
The Big Academy Dinner | |
To a Beloved Infidel (1938) | |
Les absents ont toujours tort | |
[Frances Kroll…] | |
[Vowels] Translation of Verlaine | |
Lest We Forget (France by Big Shots) | |
[From Scott Fitzgerald…] - Inscription in the Great Gatsby | |
Some interrupted lines to Sheila (1939) | |
This book tells that Anita Loos… (1940) | |
List of the verse included in Scott Fitzgerald's Novels and Short-Stories:
from This Side of Paradise:
Carrots and Peas…; Oh down— - The Offshore Pirate,
Then Wear the Gold Hat - The Great Gatsby,
We Sing Not Soft, We Sing Not Loud… - The Captured Shadow,
In the Fall of ’16 [Thousand and First Ship] - Sleeping and Waking,
Oh—oh—oh—oh— - Tender is the Night
из романа "По эту сторону Рая":
Горох и морковь…; Мама, мама… - Прибрежный пират,
Великий Гэтсби,
Поём вы вам не тихо и не громко… - Тень плененная,
В шестнадцатом, осенью, темной порой… [Тысяча и один корабль] - Сплю и просыпаюсь,
А-а-а-а…; А-а-а-а…- Ночь нежна.
Scott Fitzgerald's Notebooks, (J) - Jingles and Songs:
includes One Southern Girl; For A Long Illness; [I Don't Need A Bit Assistance…]; [Little By Little...]; [If Hoover Came Out For The N.R.A....]; Answer To A Poem; [Listen To The Hoop La...]; [A God Intoxicated Fly...]; Thousand-And-First Ship; My First Love [Revised]; Clay Feet; Hortense - To A Cast-Off Lover; The Pope At Confession [Revised]; Marching Streets [Revised]; Pilgrimage; [She Lay Supine Among Her Pekinese...]; Beg You To Listen; Sad Catastrophe; [Pretty Boy Floyd…]; [Counter Song To The 'Undertaker']; [Touchdown Song Based On...]; Song [Hear-Ya…]; [Colors Has She In Her Soul...]; ['Sticking Along' The Voice So Faint Sometimes I Could Scarcely Hear It...]; [First A Hug And Tease And A Something On My Knees...]; [Hooray...]; [I Hate Their Guts...]; [If You Have A Little Jew....]; [You'll Never Know...]; [Oh Where Are The Boys Of The Boom-Boom-Boom...]; [For Song - Idea - ]; Refrain For A Poem 'How To Get To So And So'; In A Dear Little Vine-Covered Cottage... (The Boy Who Killed His Mother); Our April Letter; [Don't You Worry I Surrender...]; Song [You Have Got To Take A Bath]; [Mr. Berlin Wrote A Song About Forgetting To Remember...]; [Mother Taught Me To - Love Things...]; [Truth And - Consequences...]; [Everytime I Blow My Nose I Think Of You ...] (Aka 'Fragment'); [For The Time That Our Man Spent In Pressing Your Suit...]; [Keep The Watch!..]; Half-And-Half Girl; [You've Driven Me Crazy...]; A Song Number Idea; A Blues; The Earth Calls; [Life's Too Short To...]; Apology To Ogden Nash; [Scott Fitzgerald So They Say…]; When Zelda Sayre And I Were Young, The War Was In The Sky; Spring Song (aka "To Carter And Marion"); [The Barber's Too Slick....]; From The Room Where Mandy Lay…; To Carter, A Friendly Finger; Prizefighter's Wife; [Come In! Come In!]; Fragment [Now Is The Time For All Good Men To Come To The Aid Of The Party...]; [You'll Be Reckless If You...]
One Southern Girl; For A Long Illness; Не надо мне…; [Little By Little…]; [If Hoover Came Out For The N.R.A.…]; Answer To A Poem; [Listen To The Hoop La...]; [A God Intoxicated Fly...]; Тысяча и один корабль (Е. Калявина); My First Love [Revised]; Clay Feet; Hortense - To A Cast-Off Lover; The Pope At Confession [Revised]; Marching Streets [Revised]; Pilgrimage; [She Lay Supine Among Her Pekinese...]; Beg You To Listen; Ужасная катастрофа (Страшное бедствие); [Pretty Boy Floyd…]; [Counter Song To The 'Undertaker']; [Touchdown Song Based On...]; Song [Hear-Ya…]; [Colors Has She In Her Soul...]; ['Sticking Along' The Voice So Faint Sometimes I Could Scarcely Hear It...]; [First A Hug And Tease And A Something On My Knees...]; [Hooray...]; [I Hate Their Guts...]; [If You Have A Little Jew....]; [You'll Never Know...]; [Oh Where Are The Boys Of The Boom-Boom-Boom...]; [For Song - Idea - ]; Refrain For A Poem 'How To Get To So And So'; In A Dear Little Vine-Covered Cottage... (The Boy Who Killed His Mother); Апрельское письмо (Е. Калявина); [Don't You Worry I Surrender...]; Song [You Have Got To Take A Bath]; [Mr. Berlin Wrote A Song About Forgetting To Remember...]; [Mother Taught Me To - Love Things...]; [Truth And - Consequences...]; Фрагмент (Нос); [For The Time That Our Man Spent In Pressing Your Suit...]; [Keep The Watch!..]; Half-And-Half Girl; [You've Driven Me Crazy...]; A Song Number Idea; A Blues; The Earth Calls; [Life's Too Short To...]; Apology To Ogden Nash; [Scott Fitzgerald So They Say…]; When Zelda Sayre And I Were Young, The War Was In The Sky; Spring Song (aka "To Carter And Marion"); [The Barber's Too Slick....]; From The Room Where Mandy Lay…; To Carter, A Friendly Finger; Prizefighter's Wife; [Come In! Come In!]; Fragment [Now Is The Time For All Good Men To Come To The Aid Of The Party...]; [You'll Be Reckless If You...]
Verse from Fitzgerald's Manuscripts and Notes:
For Dolly | |
Ellerslie | |
[Orange Pajamas and Heaven's Guitars…] (to Carmel Myers) | |
Because | |
Choke Down Another Hic and Hail the King | |
Colds in the Head | |
Dopey Sal + Penthouse Jerry | |
The Girls I met at the Chicago Fire | |
[Mr. McDonald was keen to lay eyes on his daughter…] (All of the Day in the Gorgeous Dedine of the Roses of Sora…) | |
[Now your heart is come so near…] | |
On watching the candidates in the newsreels | |
[Sing hotch-cha, sing hey-hi ninny…] | |
[Strombergs assorted pickels gather near…] | |
[There was no firelight…] | |
To my grandfather | |
Tribute | |
[All the girls and mans…] (unpublished) | |
[Then to have tea…] (unpublished) | |
[There were always the bells…] (unpublished) | |
[Get me a seat for the opera…] (unpublished) | |
The Complete Poems and Verse by F. Scott Fitzgerald - Все стихотворения Френсиса Скотта Фицджеральда |