Френсис Скотт Фицджеральд: тексты и переводы | |
F. Scott Fitzgerald's Plays and Scripts / пьесы и сценарии |
Френсис Скотт Фицджеральд: тексты и переводы | |
F. Scott Fitzgerald's Plays and Scripts / пьесы и сценарии |
Title (Date) | Название (переводчик) |
The Vegetable, or From President to Postman - Размазня, или из Президентов в почтальоны:To Katherine Tigne and Edmund Wilson, Jr. who deleted many absurdities from my first two novels I recommend the absurdities set down here - Катерине Тайне и Эдмунду Уилсону, устранившим множество нелепостей из моих первых двух романов, я настоятельно рекомендую нелепости в этой книжке |
The Vegetable, or from President to Postman (1922) | Размазня: комедия в 3х действиях (В. Харитонов и Р. Черный) |
The Vegetable: A Lost Chicago Review (1922) | |
Other F. Scott Fitzgerald's Plays and Drama Scripts: |
The Girl from Lazy J (1911) | |
The Captured Shadow (1912) | |
The Coward (1913) | |
Assorted Spirits (1914) | |
Shadow Laurels (1915) | Венец из призрачного лавра (А. Б. Руднев) Тень лаврового венка (Е. Калявина) |
Precaution Primarily (1917) | Предосторожность - прежде всего! (А. Б. Руднев) |
The Debutante (1917 version) The Debutante (1919 version) *This one-act play has been incorporated in This Side of Paradise novel. | Её первый бал (1917) (А. Олькова) Её первый бал (1919) (М.Ф. Лорие) * Пьеса включена в роман "По эту сторону Рая". |
Porcelain and Pink (A One-Act Play) (January 1920) | Фаянсовый и розовый (пьеса в одном действии) (А. Б. Руднев) Фаянсовое и розовое (С. Сухарев) |
Mister Icky: The Quintessence of Quaintness in One Act (March 1920) | Мистер Липкин: квинтэссенция эксцентрики в одном действии (А. Б. Руднев) Мистер Ики (С. Сухарев) |
This is a Magazine (1920) | Это - журнал! (А. Б. Руднев) Это журнал (Е. Калявина) |
The Broadcast We Almost Heard Last September (1935) | Радиопрограмма, едва не прозвучавшая в сентябре прошлого года (А. Б. Руднев) |
Loves Melody (1935) on YouTube service, performed in 2013 in Tryon Fine Arts center | |
Let’s Go Out and Play ("The Great Game") (1935, October 3, WABC radio) | |
The Broadcast We Are Waiting To Hear (?) | |
"Send Me In, Coach" (1936) | «Тренер, дайте мне сыграть!» (А. Б. Руднев) Возьми меня в команду, тренер! (Арина Олькова) "Дай мне шанс, тренер" (В. Дорогокупля) |
Lives of the Dancers - ballet synopsis (1936, February 08 - Notebooks#1599) | |
Ballet Shoes - ballet proposal (1936) | Пуанты (Антон Руднев) |
The King Who Wanted An Appetite (1936) | |
Love of a Lifetime (1936) | |
It Was Just Too Bad (1936 - Notebooks#764) | |
"Prison play" (Institutional Humanitarism) (1937) | Тюремная пьеса Скотта Фицджеральда (А.Б. Руднев) |
Dame Rumor (with Sheilah Graham) (1938) | |
Home to Mother - radioscript (?) | |
Broadcast №13 - radioscript (?) | |
"Panic" (play about Gen. Hood) (?) | |
Dramatizations and Stage Productions based on F. Scott Fitzgerald Works - Театральные постановки и пьесы по произведениям Ф. Скотта Фицджеральда: |
Theatrical Adapations of F. Scott Fitzgerald Works (Outside Russia) | Театральные постановки по произведениям Ф. Скотта Фицджеральда в театрах России |
F. Scott Fitzgerald's Movie Work (scenarios): |
This Side of Paradise (Notes for scenario) (1923) | |
Glimpses of the Moon (Titles for the silent movie) (Famous Players, 1923) | |
Grit (Original story for the silent movie) (Film Guild, 1924) | |
Lipstick: A College Comedy (United Artists, 1927, January) - Unproduced | |
The Red-Headed Woman, by Katherine Brush (M.G.M., 1931: Dec) - Screenplay not used | |
Gracie at Sea (1934) Gracie at Sea (revised 1937) | Грейси на море (А.Б. Руднев) Грейси на море (новая редакция) (А.Б. Руднев) |
Tender is the Night (Summary movie treatment) (1934) | |
A Star is Born (1937 - ?) | |
Yank at Oxford (M.G.M., 1937, July 07-26) - dialogue polish | |
Three Comrades (A Screenplay) (M.G.M., 1937: Aug 04, Sep 01, Dec 01; 1938: Feb 01) - Screen credit as coathor of screenplay | |
Infidelity (A Screenplay) (M.G.M., 1938: Feb 03, Mar 09, Mar 19, Apr 26) - Unproduced | |
Marie Antoinette (M.G.M., 1938: May 16) - Screenplay not used | |
The Women (M.G.M., 1938: May 27 - Oct 08) - Screenplay not used | |
Madame Curie (M.G.M., 1938: Nov 07 - 1939: Jan 03) - Screenplay not used | |
Gone With the Wind (Selznik, 1939: Jan 11-24) - dialogue polish | |
Winter Carnival (United Artists, 1939: Feb 01-11) - dismissed | |
Air Raid (Paramount, 1939: Mar 14-31) - Unproduced | |
Honeymoon in Bali (1939: ?) | |
The Feather Fan (1939) | Веер с перьями (Антон Руднев) |
Open That Door, based on novel Bull by the horns by Charles Bonner (Universal, 1939: Aug 16-22) | |
Everything Happens at Night (1939: Sep - just one day) | |
Raffles (1939: Sep 06-12) | |
Love is a Pain (1939) | Любовь - это боль (Антон Руднев) |
Cosmopolitan (Babylon Revisited) (Columbia, 1940: Mar - Aug) - Unproduced | |
Brooklyn Bridge (20th Century-Fox, 1940: Aug 12) Fitzgerald's Assignment Unknown | |
Captured Shadow (1940: Aug ??) | |
The Light of Heart (Life Begins at Eight-Thirty) (20th Century-Fox, 1940: Oct 11) - Screenplay not used | |
Libeled Lady (?) | |
Broken Soil (?) | |
The Story of Pierce Sharlert (?) | |
Film Adaptations and Screenplays based on F. Scott Fitzgerald Works - Экранизации и сценарии по произведениям Ф. Скотта Фицджеральда: |
Cinema Adapations of F. Scott Fitzgerald Works (Non-Russian Productions) | Экранизации произведений Ф. Скотта Фицджеральда (Россия) |
Appendix: |
Preface and acknowledements Chapter 1: A Day at the Studio 1938 Chapter 2: Flashback Chapter 3: Beginning in Hollywood Chapter 4: The Wrong Kind of Picture Chapter 5: Tender Is the Night and the Movies Chapter 6: A Yank at Oxford: Pictures of Words Chapter 7: Three Comrades: Words, Words, Words Chapter 8: Infidelity: A Picture Worth a Book of Words Chapter 9: The Women: Epitaph for the Spoiled Heroine Chapter 10: Madame Curie: Brave New Heroine Chapter 11: Free-Lancing Chapter 12: Cosmopolitan: Splicing It Together Chapter 13: “Action Is Character” Epilogue | |
The plays of F. Scott Fitzgerald - Пьесы Френсиса Скотта Фицджеральда |